Burn LOGO for wooden brush

Hot to print your LOGO on a brush? What custom LOGO options we have?

LOGO print is very important for your brand and products, a better LOGO print on the products will enhance your brand recognition and brand awareness. This article list major LOGO print in woodend or plastic brushes.

pad printing for hair brush
Pad printing for wooden brush

1, Silkscreen printing and pad printing for your brand/LOGO.

These two printing methord are normal and wildely use for a LOGO print.

Silkscreen print suit flat and big sruface,usually for cloth and some big LOGOs, one color is better option, it’s fast and economical.

Pad printing usual for some small LOGO and do not ask flat surface, it can print on uneven surface or cambered surface, multil colors are supported.

For brushes,80% brush’s LOGO in the market are use this technology, because LOGO aways print on the handle part of a brush, there only have small space and most brush hand are not flat.

2, UV printing.

UV printing is one of the popular printing tecinques for brushes in recent years, which is a digital printing technology that allows you to print full colors and allow you print on different surfaces, such as plastic,wood, paper, metal,etc. It works better on flat surfaces but also work well on cambered or other non-flat surface. After oil surface finished it will shinny similar as golden foil printing.

UV printing for plastic brushes
Laser LOGO on body brush
AVADA brush's LOGO
Golden Foil LOGO for brushes

3, Engrave LOGO.

Engrave LOGO are popular on wooden brushes, which have three method to do the engrave LOGO.

Laser technology is the most use on wooden brushes, best is work on flat surface but also can work on little cambered surface, it’s fast and elegant. The first one is laser LOGO.

Hot stamp also is very popular, which will have similar effect as laser but difference is that burn the wood to brown or black color, the untique effect is very beauty. Second one is the hot brand AVADA’s LOGO.

Stamp foil, means add a golden or silver or other color foil while stamp, suit for wood, plastic and paper surface. Third one is the stamp foil LOGO.

UV printing for plastic brushes
water transfer printing for brushes

4, Transfer printing.

We say transfer printing usally the hot trasnfer printing and water trasnfer print, they are also very popular printing methord in the market.

Hot transfer better works on flat surface, similar as hot stamp golden foil process, but hot transfer print foil accpet multiple colors and complex pattern. The finished effect similar as UV printing.

Water transfer printing suit for more wide range, do not care what shape or products, what surface, and it can print on a whole brush.

5, Other LOGO printing.

There are still have some other way to make the LOGO, such as anodize, paste or inlay,PVD, etc. But for plastic or wood products, difficult to process these ways. So for custom the plastic or wooden products, we recommend the method we listed.

What method do you like to cutom your brand?